9/28 thoughts
I've been having many many thoughts again and haven't made a thoughts blog post in a while. Methinks it's time for one again. As always, all are only half formed and barely coherent. I haven't felt 'right' doing gal for a while and I don't know why. I like all my clothes and wigs and stuff, but I feel very disconnected. Like. both from other people and myself. I don't really know how to explain it. Posting doesn't feel right. It's not been fun all month. I don't know how to explain it.. but I haven't been feeling like myself all month. I feel like I need to dress like a douche or a boy again for a while. I still like all my MA*RS and wigs, but it hasn't felt like me, especially the last few days. Recently, I feel as though my clothes, hair, and makeup are wearing me. I feel like none of it is me, but I don't know who I feel like. I've had this type of feeling before, but nowhere near as extreme as how it is this time. Methi...