Hi family... I'm feeling very uninspired right now, so much so that I can't even really remember what my thoughts were for this month. hm.
2 November
this one I didn't post, I totally forgot lolol 😸
I wanted to do something really over the top and eye-catching with all my 'newer' pieces I hadn't used yet (-ᄒᴥᄒ-)
5 November
this day I was very bored & uninspired (-ᄒᴥᄒ-), but I'd just started listening to Haifa Wehbe so I thought to do a Julie/Persian inspired eye makeup look
8 November
probably one of my favorite coords of the month 😺。。。I'd also gotten new lashes so I wanted to do different 'regular' make. It was a pain to do honestly, so even tho I really like how it looked, I don't really want to do it again 😔...
9 November
I thought this outfit & make looked really good while I was wearing it, but I didn't like I how I looked in any of the pictures... so idrk if I wanna wear it again; I think my hair and uneven posture is my main problem..
12 November
I'd wanted to try my other new lashes & try to make a more.. casual coord with the fur. I think it looked ok. I liked how my make looked & I like all the pictures I took. I'm mad they didn't do well on insta.
14 November
I hate these pants. They're really cool, but everytime I've worn them I'm aware I'm wearing them the entire time, it's all I can focus on. I didn't post this look cus insta don't gaf generally, but I did like my make a lot this day 😺
15 November
extra shirt cus it was cold↓
with coat ↓
I didn't post any of this one lolol. I don't know that I will. Just know that I thought this shit was fire lolol ✌️😇
18 November
polished/more dramatic version. I haven't posted this one either lolol. I really do love these bottom lashes tho, new regular fav.
23 November
I'm pleased with my coord, make, & accessories 🙂↕️。。。the hair set however.... too windy..
28 November
Like the 9th, I thought I looked good in the mirror and while I was wearing everything, but I couldn't take a pic of my face that I thought looked ok.
29 November
was aiming for Kate Moss.. whateves..
I just realized it's the first.. I gotta be real, I thought Monday was the first. I fucked this up then. huh.
In a couple weeks (week and a half...) I have a trip planned. I'm nervous since I'll be going out to California totally by myself and I haven't done that before, but I'm also nervous because I know I'm not somebody most people want to spend more than 2 and a half consecutive hours around. so uh.. we'll see how that goes. But with my new bottom lashes, I'm thinking of doing different makeup than I'd originally planned, so I feel like I should try that out in these next couple days :-3..
As for the kind of look I'm aiming for to close out the year... I'm unsure (◡ ω ◡)。。。I feel like outside of gal, I don't know what to do to suit my features and build. I feel like most of the things I try end up looking wrong, and lots of the things I see, I've no idea how to actually execute. So, idk. We'll see.
Absolutely love all of these looks! The 11/15 co*de really reminds me of something you would find in soul sister!