
 Hi family, I feel like there's been lots of talk online lately about many people being... pa-gyaru. Or partially gyaru, within the online community.

 I had come across an old gaijin gals blog through Pinterest earlier this week that made me think about this more..

 Like, when I first started to be gal, I didn't fully understand why so many of the veteran gals were embarrassed and upset about more people finding out about gyaru. But as I continue trying to progress and create my own look within the style, I understand why they weren't rockin with it.

 The people that were doing this shit back in the 2010s were putting their whole hearts into what they were doing. They were real fashionistas! I feel like a lot of the interest and dedication to fashion, hair, makeup, and creating your own unique vibe while still coordinating within your circle is lost on a lot of the people doing gyaru now.

 Like.. You know how awhile back, there was this whole debate going on online where people were saying you don't need to do makeup to be gal, or you don't need to dress a certain way to be gal; gyaru is still a fashion subculture. You need to be heavy into these things in order to be gyaru. Otherwise, why the hell are you doing it? no funny shit, I actually have no idea why you would. 

 I feel like that's kinda connected to my next piece.. I've said it in the past, but I feel like many people wanting to get into gyaru, or that are currently into gyaru, are more like... cosplayers and weebs. Like, they only got into it because it's Japanese, not cus they're heavy into dressing up and trying to look like models in the magazines n things like that. I feel like it's seen as a cosplay or a larp (or something along those lines) to a lot of people. So often times their makeup, coords, and wigs/hair styling looks and feels less... authentic? 

 The girls doing this in the 2010s were getting their information from Japanese gals and referencing them and what they were doing. They were looking at pics Japanese girls were posting, and referencing catalogues and magazines to build/cultivate their look, and they were critical with themselves in what they were doing in their appearance and lifestyle to be as authentically gyaru as possible.

 From my perspective, I feel that many people now are seriously half-assing a lot of things. Like, I understand wanting to look a certain way immediately, but at the same time, a lot of people seem to not... hm. continue/practice/progress in the multiple aspects of what makes somebody recognizably gyaru. 

 I kind of think that being recognizably gyaru ties into having a gal mindset. And I do NOT mean in the bullshit way that has been parroted by every half-ass fool online, but in the way that being gal is ingrained into you and you're going to live your life presented in this aesthetic/subculture regardless of anything because it's something you love and it's something that represents you. 

 I don't really know how to word the rest of what I want to say, but I think more people wanting to be gyaru and live a 'gal lifestyle' should read old blogs they find and look at magazines scans online. They should study how the models piece together their outfits, how different colors, patterns, and silhouettes are used, and I think more people should ask for help in regards to certain aspects of their look that they are willing to work on. 

 Ok that's all my hating for now 😺
