
 Hi family, yesterday was my 20th birthday :0. My mom took the day off work so we could go do stuff.

 I had wanted to go to the swap meet to get more of the La♡Pafait style bear charms, but they're closed during the week :(. We went to the antique mall instead. I didn't really want to go to be honest. I didn't even really wanna get ready 🫤...

 The antique mall didn't have any good porcelain ladies this time. I got a new chunky bracelet for agejo that I wore the rest of the day, and 2 wood bead necklaces for old school.

 While we were there I had a lady ask for a picture of me to show her daughter lol 🤭, she said I looked like a doll and had a wonderful style. 

 Then we went to the Bellagio to see their fall exhibit. The fall exhibit and the new years exhibit are my favorites 🤭... Still wasn't really in the mood, but whatever. I'll share my favorite pics I took there on this post. I posted on the day of with all my pics.

Sunflower Fairy & her cottage

both center fairies & owl on the moon

2nd fav pic

fav pic

main autumn fairy

3rd fav pic

 I had another lady ask for a picture with me at the Bellagio 🤭, she was really sweet. She said she loved my hair and that I looked like a princess 🫶🤭.

 I hadn't eaten all day, so we went and got curry after this. I've still been feeling like I'm gonna throw up when I eat. It's been a couple months now :/, I don't know what to do about it. The food was good though. 

 My mom made me a Snoopy cake :). The icing for the hearts ran though so I couldn't get a picture with my cake :(. The Snoopy was still intact though. 

 All in all it was a decent day even though my mood was ruined. 

 I did my nails the day before yesterday. I still kinda think my 19th nails were better. Or at least the theme.. They were more girly. I feel this years theme is more mature. 

 I haven't hand painted anything in around a year, so it took me a minute to do these 😭.

 That's all for today, バイバイ
