Makeup-bag Set Pics

Hi family, I wasn't really feeling any of it today. I did my laundry earlier, 2nd wash on that bra, and the smell is STILL strong af. So now it's time to move onto soaking it in vinegar. We'll see how that goes. I did my makeup and everything, and I wanted to try on that set to really decide what I want to do with it, but I wasn't feeling any of it today. I took my pictures and the shirt was irritating me so bad, so I changed my wigs and my shirt, but I still felt off wearing that, so I just took everything off and left my makeup on. I definitely don't want the top now, cus even just for pictures I had to pull it down more than 10 times. I should probably stop saying I don't want certain pieces on my blog and then linking my blogs cus I've had a few people I don't know at all message me asking for me to sell to them. We don't even know each other 😭! I'm not giving you my clothes 😭! I haven't even downloaded today's pics off my came...