JD coord & thoughts on gal

 Hi family, I was bored today since I can't leave my house right now :(. I needed to do my laundry and take pics of my clothes to upload online, so I did that before I did my makeup. 

 Today I wanted to do a similar, more girly version of what I did on Sunday, so it'd look more 2006 Ageha as opposed to looking like 2004 egg. 

 I wore my black JD dress today. I was thinking about selling it. I don't think I will now.. I need to go through everything I own and list what I'm willing to part with. I only have 2.5k and the other Rondo is around 5.5k :(. I'll take any money I can get at this point. It's shockingly motivating in not spending money. 

 Anyways, I like how todays co*de turned out. I wore simple shoes, but I wore more detailed tights in hopes of matching the dress. I also wore a big pink rose in my hair today. I don't have any that are the same color as the roses on my dress, but this one is pretty close. 


today's 2nd fav 😺

this one is my fav 😺

the pic I very loosely based my make on today 🩷

 I haven't really been taking lots of selfies lately.. I think the front camera makes my face look weird and then I'm grossed out because my face is long in the mirror, but very short in front camera pics. It makes me look like a different person in selfies, I don't like it :(. I do like the digi cam selfies more though. It looks more like my face than my phone camera. 

necklace: JD
dress: JD
bracelets: swap meet
tights: Target
shoes: Goodwill

 I actually wear earrings in most of my coords. You just can't see cus my hair blocks them :-3, so I never really include them in my coord details lol. 

 Overall, I think today's version of this dress turned out much nicer and cohesive then when I'd worn it for the first time :-3. 

 As far as my thoughts on gal for today.. I don't really know where to start my wording. 

 I think lots of people getting into, or that are already into gyaru, are Japan obsessed. They're not like, fashion/makeup/cute obsessed. They're weebs, not fashionistas. And I think that's the missing link in actually looking gal. They're not doing their coords, hair, make, rooms, and just general lifestyle in a gyaru way, because they're not actually interested in all that. (keep in mind I'm saying this as something of a geek myself) These people aren't cool, they're the people you see get pushed into lockers in movies. They're just interested in things that are Japanese. 

 And I think that leads into what I'd asked on my story earlier today. I couldn't figure out the correlation between Sanrio being this popular figurehead for reiwa gaijin gyaru. Lots of my friends however are nowhere near as slow as I am. What they'd said is, people think that because it's popular and Japanese that it's (automatically) gyaru, and can read as such. 

 I personally don't believe that's true. In my magazines, you'll see lots of Sanrio, Stitch, and Winnie the Pooh, but almost exclusively in room decor and different types of accessories. Whereas with the current fixation on Sanrio, it's more focused in clothing, and a more cutesy style of dressing as opposed to a gyaru style of dressing. 

 Honestly, I think that should be a fashion subculture in itself! It's normally the more dolly/cosplay style make and the sexy/cutesy combo in outfits and accessories. You know what I'm talking about; with all the leg warmers and hibiscus motifs and stuff. None of it's gal (altogether), but it can still be cute. 

 I think it's unfortunate that so many people only see gal make as Black Diamond style make, or heavy manba make (that's normally not done quite right). I think there should be more emphasis on just liner work. It still reads as gal, even without CL. But again, I feel like lots of newer people aren't even aware of that. It's whack. 

 That's all I want to say for right now. I'm sleepy 😺, it's past my bedtime 😺. I might elaborate more on my thoughts on gyaru at a later date.



  1. Omg I love your looks so much! You really do like a charisma gal staff!

    The way I feel about people getting into gal today is that they're not really getting into it at all. Many are doing it cause it's trendy and will stand out from the endless sea of content creators. Cause it's not just the I live in my room pretending to be a sexy faerie nymph aesthetic. But since most people in that aesthetic just do a wing liner they think that they can get away with hardly if any make at all to be gal. Which is def not the case unless you're oldschool. Which many don't even see. They don't want to learn beyond google and pinterest photos which are usually black diamond and yamanba styles.

    I think a lot of reiwa gals got into things like winnie and stitch and all those because they were cute and colorful like gal was. It added to who they were plus it was fun and popular to collect. At least that's how I think.

    1. ahh, thank you sm Kirin 🫶🩷, I want to have hair as big as the charisma staff one day 🙏..
      it really does suck seeing the butchered versions of gal all over the internet :(. I wish people had more than a surface level interest in it :(.
      I like the old style of gyaru collecting Sanrio and Disney :); I want to get into collecting snoopy plushies myself lol. I think having these things as room decor & accessories is much better suited to gal than just wearing it right on a shirt you could get at hot topic lol


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