August Recap

 tbhhh... I have not wanted to do shit all month.. I have like 4 billion photos from this month, and I haven't posted literally any of them. erm.. 

1 August

3 August

a girl on twt drew me :D!!!!

4 August

6 August

8 August

9 August

my 1 hime look of the month 😭😭

11 August

I felt like I was giving Tyra Banks the whole day, so I had my mom take my picture on the digital camera when I got home.... mane.. 

 I wore the same outfit the next day, but tryna do it more ageha style..uh.. I haven't downloaded any of my pictures off the digi camera, and those ones actually look ok. but I am not sharing my phone pics, shit looks so ass..
15 August

17 August

I finally own 1 of my dream prints in one of my most ideal cuts :D I've wanted this print since I first saw it, so I'm very happy to finally have it :-3!!

20 August

22 August

24 August

26 August

I must say...while this look is a little basic, a little boring, it is without a doubt one of my favorites I've done :-3

29 August

csi nyew yo-ak

 hoping and praying a million billion times that September is excellent, not even about makeup and hair and bullshit, but the mental anguish because I don't know how many more awful September's I can take. shit stopped being funny last year. 
 erm, anyways :-3.. I haven't been feeling up to doing hime this month, which sucks balls, cus I feel like all the over the top looks I did this month were very good. I've been getting into Tyra Banks lately tho, so we'll see how this goes. 
 ok バイバイ 😺, see u next time family
