swap meet

 Hi family, I still haven't written my new years blog post lol. I think I should do 2 separate posts like I did for the fall exhibit. One for all my pics and one for my outfit and hair set. I put a lot of thought into this years look; I planned it out for months cus I wanted it to be really good 😺.

 Anyways, on Saturday ma and I went to the swap meet, since the antique section is open the 3rd Saturday of the month. I wanted the swag ass Chinese style shelves and porcelain ladies, but I ended up getting 2 totally different things lol.

nyew porcelain figures 😺

totally bitchin feather fan 😺

 For my outfit and stuff I wanted to be really Barbie-like since there's a group of old ladies at the front of the meet that sell jewelery that always ask to see what I'm wearing. So I wanted to have very full and tall hair, and I thought my Himena set that I wore for my birthday would look very Barbie. 

 We got there late since my mom wanted to nap for as long as she could, so we saw them for 10 minutes before the place closed lol. It's always fun to see them though. The woman that works the front counter always comes around the front to see what shoes I've got on and she asks to see my nails every time 😺💝.

 I've been having my mom take my outfit pics on the old digi camera this month. At the end of January I found a pic taken on it from when I first started agejo and I think the over the top looks combined with the quality of that camera go crazy together, so I've been liking those lol. I haven't really been posting them on ageha tho. idk. I haven't really been caring about posting on there and writing on here. eh

 Anyways, once we left the swap meet we went and got curry. The guy working the counter was singing all the songs that were playing, he knew all the words to Selena Gomez's Love You Like A Love Song, it was kinda impressive. 

 I took lots and lots of selfies so I've been posting those the last few days on insta. I probably could've posted them all at once but I typically post and then either close the app or switch accounts lol. 

 eh. see u next time family 😺 またね
