
 Now that I've been doing gal for a little while, and I know what I like.. I thought it might be fun to do the gyaru tag that my friend Kirin had posted on her blog awhile back 😺! 

 Lemme link her blog post, & please keep in mind family, this tag is like.. super old (as far as the internet goes at least lol), so some things may not be applicable in the same way they used to be. 

Kirin's Blog: Gyaru Tag 🩵

1. Describe your style as a gal

There's 2 labeled styles I really try and give my all to, hime & old school. I have a hard time choosing a favorite :-3.. As for everyday wear I try to do more toned down versions of both as well, copying 2007 Ageha & 2000-2004 egg. 

2. Which models inspire you to get dressed?

Hmm.. there's lots of models and shop staff I think are really beautiful and love the look of, but they're not necessarily who I take inspiration from lol. I'd say more than anything I take inspo from the street snaps sections since you get to see so much 'real life' variety 😺. But if I have to choose someone.. Fujiko, Sayaka Araki, AyuRina, and Himeka Shirosaki 😺.

3. What brands are you wearing lately?

MA*RS as always lol. I've also been wearing a little JD and Alba too. But lately I've been wearing lots of non-brand pieces.

4. What was your first brand piece?

The first gal brand piece I ever saw was a DIA set that has a similar look to the MA*RS sets. My mom actually bought it for me 😺🩷. And as far as buying from overseas myself, I bought an Alba bikini I'd seen on Julie's insta account that Ume-chan had :-3.

5. What compliment about your wardrobe do you like the best?

I like when I'm out and people tell me I look like a Barbie doll 🩷. I think it's sweet :D.

6. What do you wear most often?

I don't think I could pick one piece,... I try and rotate my outfits so I don't rewear my sets too often.

7. I like getting...

Unique pieces 😺! I love silly patterns and fun colors! 

8. What do you notice first when looking at a gal?

I'd say probably their make, and then their hair. 

9. What gal rules have you broken?

Definitely my not being able to wear contacts lol... I've been told quite a few times that my looks aren't really complete because I don't wear them 😶... but you guys can't make me lol!! 

10. What would you never wear?

I don't know if this question is asking about substyles, pieces, or years.. But my first answer is 2008 style fashion 😖 gross!! No mini fedora, skinny tie over a T-shirt, shorts, stockings, and ankle boots for me! No ma'am!

11. What do you think is essential for a good look?

Understanding the foundation of how the style you're replicating needs to be put together. Like, uh.. how your look needs to be constructed in order to read as gal. From outfit, to hair, to accessories, because (to me), just makeup doesn't make the look. 

12. How do you feel when viewed/recognized as gyaru?

I think it's fun :D, it makes me feel like I've put everything together properly.

13. Do you have any friends that are gals?

I only have friends online 😭😭! Most of which are other gals tho lol. I'm very thankful for all of them 🫶🥹.

14. What's the next thing you plan on buying that you desperately need?

More of the style of lashes I have on today!!! They're sold out at both malls! I need to go to the swap meet tomorrow 😭!! 

15. What's your favorite accessory?

I've been getting into bracelets recently :-3... My wrists are pretty small & I have a lot of arm hair (lol) so I struggle to find ones to (1)match my style, (2)fit my wrist, and (3)don't pull my arm hair. Oi vey.

16. Sexy, monotone, or elegant?

I'd rather explode than ever be monotone! I guess I try and go for an ero-kawa look most days :-3

17. Would you wear clothes that aren't in fashion?

I don't think I've ever worn clothes that are trendy to be honest... I've always just worn what I like lol.

18. What's your current obsession?

I've been really into 2007 Ageha, 2000s VS models, acai berries, and Maiko Okamoto lately 😺.

19. Do you like to share gal fashion? How do you do it?

I don't really know... I don't really think about it lol. I guess I share it by posting on insta.

20. What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Read blogs and look at magazines scans online. Try and study how they piece together their outfits, how they place their lashes in relation to their eye shape, and how different colors, patterns, and silhouettes are used. Also, don't be afraid to ask for input on specific things in your look! Just keep practicing! 


  1. Omg I'm so happy you did this tag! And thank you for the linkback! It's so awesome to see how we're a lot alike. <3


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