mall & EDs💎

  Hi family, I left the house for the first time since my mom totaled my car. I'm lucky I went downstairs before my brother cus he tried arguing with me saying he was gonna take the Corolla; my dad made him take the Escalade cus I haven't gone out once, and he told him to stop being a little bitch and let me have the car lol.

top: thrifted
capris: Paris Blues
heels: thrifted

 Overall I would rate my day an 8. I went to goodwill first and I found a really beautiful porcelain doll for only 6 dollars :0! All my other ones have been 15-25$ so while she's bigger, she's the cheapest one I've gotten.

 I looked her up when I got home, she's from 1986 and supposed to be holding a baby. but ya know. goodwill. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. I don't know what to name her, I don't know what era her dress is supposed to be from, so I don't know where to start for names either. That makes 2 dolls in my collection without names 😮‍💨.

Aunt Fridays opinion on her lmao

 Then I went to the boba place and saw my friend Mia :D!! She gave me my drink for free 🥹🙏🫶. Now that I'll remember that she's working there, I'll try and see her more often :D.

 After getting my drink I went to the mall :p. I got more blind boxes at Miniso and I got 2 of the same fucking Melody figure I already own 😭😭😭!!! wtf 😿😿?? I didn't buy any clothes while I was there, too expensive and no good dresses smh 😒. 

マイメロ... ಠ⁠ᴥ⁠ಠ

 While I was there, that was the most people I have ever seen, literally in my entire life, that were around my height and skinnier than me; they didn't look naturally skinny either, they looked skeletal. It was really weird and almost scary how thin these girls looked. For reference I'm 5'5" and 106lbs and I've always been very thin, most of these girls looked like they wouldn't even weigh that much. It was.. disturbing. 

 I'd said this on insta earlier today cus it weirded me out so much, that and over the last few days my feed online has very much so been like, stuff from the ED "community". That weirded me out too and I asked about that earlier this week as well. Turns out, quite a few of my friends have been getting the same type of content on their feeds despite never interacting with that type of content. So I'd asked on the story, "terrible to say, but is it like, 'in' to be anorexic or something??" and a lot of people responded saying that 'heroin chic eating disorders' were making a major comeback, especially online. And like, that's really scary. I'd asked my friend Alexia at work today that same question since she goes to college, and she said that yes, more and more people are giving themselves eating disorders recently and that there's been more seriously ill looking girls at her school. It's all just so scary to think about. I hope that by talking about this illness openly online, more people can avoid it, cus that's so dangerous and scary. 

 Anyways, hope I can avoid all that clown-fuckery, I do NOT want to be sick like those girls 💅!

 That's all for Sundays outing, バイバイ😺🩵
