1 year 😺


 As of today I have been dressing in gal fashion for 1 year 😺! I don't know how to really feel about it, or if I should feel any type of way about it. Honestly, today was quite awful 👍. I did get more of my favorite perfume tho; I got the large size since I used the entire sample (?) size bottle (the tall skinny one). 
 I hope going forward I can continue dressing in gal and doing different kinds of gal makeup. Sometimes (more and more often) it's not very fun to do, either because of my own mental state, or others. But overall it's fun. I'm very happy that I've been able to make so many friends and find more people to talk to. I don't really get to talk to people my own age day to day, so my friends online mean a lot to me : ).
today's make

I wanted to do something kind of old school. I ended up going for a 2002 Ego inspired look. Julie helped me pick my outfit today 🫶

 I've been getting lots and lots more rude/upsetting comments both on insta and tiktok recently about my hair and makeup and stuff like that. I don't really understand why.. I've been getting less comments about money and MA*RS tho, so.. I dunno. Both feels bad. 
 I already have a hard time just dealing with my own emotions and day to day problems, so this type of stuff kinda eats away at me. I feel like I should just post all my pics and whatever on here instead of on insta.
 I've just been very upset lately. All of July, like.. it sucked, but it was good. I didn't feel so awful all day everyday. Then, like as soon as August began, it was like a switch flipped, and everyday has been awful beyond words. All I want to do is sleep and I'm never not upset. I don't know what to do about it. I've been taking my medication, but it doesn't really seem to be helping. 

 I'm not very happy, I want things to be better and it feels like it won't be. such is life. バイバイ


  1. Wow I can't believe a whole year has passed. Happy Anniversary!

    People will always be dumb on the internet. It's like I keep saying, just delete and block any troublemakers. It's not worth your time to fight with them or prove them how ridic they're being with their statements.

    Oh man I wonder if it's about that time for seasonal depression. I know I get that when I realize fall is coming. I end up liking the fall but then I know winter is not that far away. Especially when I see news about football... But I hope you feel better soon.


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