Summer Bellagio Visit

 Hi family, haven't written in a while. Yesterday I went to the Bellagio with mom. Their summer exhibit didn't eat this time (the summer one never does); I liked the monkeys last year better. I do have to give them credit tho, this summers exhibit was all cohesive, so I can't really complain ¯⁠\⁠_(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)⁠ _⁠/⁠¯.

 I got some ok photos of the flowers. Let me share :3

 These are my pics of the main points 😺

they've used this piece before in another exhibit, I don't remember which though :3... 

this piece was at the back, so it was the biggest point. personally I didn't love it because of the flowers, they've used them before & I don't think they matched the moss 😿
this one was opposite the goddess, and this one was new :0! I thought this one was really beautiful. I liked the pink & purple and the waterfall 🫶

yeah, out of all the big pieces, the waterfall was my favorite :)!

 And now my pics of smaller pieces/details I liked :)
I liked that this one has the statue and the blues/pinks :)
I liked this one a lot. the angle of it reminds me of back home in my neighbors garden :'( 💔
there were quite a few areas with hydrangeas. I didn't realize that I liked them lol

this one is my favorite picture that I took :)

this one reminds me of my old backyard :'(
 That's all the flower pictures I took yesterday, I hope you like them :)
