
Showing posts from June, 2023

今日のthoughts & 姫コーデ

 Hi family, just posted Tomonya's blog pics. I read a little bit of her blog. It made me sad. She had posted quite a few pieces I really relate to.. and also things about gal that I agree with wwww, but methinks I'll post what I agree with a different time :-3  I feel this is how I end up sounding a lot 🤔. Even having been taking my mood stabilizer, I still feel like there's something 'off' in my brain. I end up saying a LOT on my story as a result, and I've been spending a lot of money lately.. When I sit and really think about it, and I read through past journal entries, I feel like I've been behaving more erratic lately.. I don't know how to change it.   It's frustrating because just a few years ago, I used to have months long periods of feeling nothing. I wasn't sad, I wasn't "happy". I would just go about my days and it was fine. I was seeing a therapist during those times, and she'd get frustrated when I'd say I wasn&

Tomonya-chan 😺💚

 I came across Tomonya's ameblo blog a little while ago. It made me sad. I don't know why..  I took screenshots of some of her pictures she'd posted, and I want to share them with all of you :-3. (That's my new favorite face to make, expect to see it more.. :-3) Tomonya's Blog Link


  Hi family, I don't really got much of anything fun to say. no wait. Okay I have 1 fun thing to say. But I wanted to talk about my weight problem today so feel free to skip this entry 🦧  But uhm, I don't know how I want to start.... Got told by another lady while out at work today that she's jealous of how thin I am. It made me think of working at the salon last year and the teachers & clients at nail school. I've actually put on 5-8 pounds since 2021 😺, but I still don't weigh as much as I did. It just sucks when people say these things to me, cause like. I know the majority of people, especially ladies, don't have 'my' weight problem, theirs is the opposite. So most people take what I'm saying as boasting :/. It just sucks.  Back in 2020 I had started a new medication that made me sleep 19 hours a day, everyday, for 2 weeks. And I had lost 20 pounds in those 2 weeks as a result. If I had weighed any less than I did before starting it, I woul

Aya Maruyama Style MA*RS

 Hi family, I haven't written much this month. Been doing more agejo looks though 😺👍.  As a result I've been hating from my mind, tiktok and instagram dot com. Cus why is it that the outfit video I posted to insta videos has like, 500 likes (woag :0...!!!) but my most favorit-est pics I take and upload separate only get 28 likes (woag, that's still a lot of people :0!!). And then on the video app, you'll get like a million billion likes if you post a 6 second video of nothing with like a whole tumblr post over the top of it? Why is it a video app if the actual fucking videos get no attention? wtf? maybe my mom's right, maybe I am 90... so, those are my main complaints. I also don't understand why some of my posts will get LOTS! of likes in a relatively short period, and again, some of them cap at like 45. I'm coming to the conclusion I don't know how the internet works 👍.  Anyways, app hating aside. I went to the swap meet with mother on Saturday and

Summer Bellagio Visit

 Hi family, haven't written in a while. Yesterday I went to the Bellagio with mom. Their summer exhibit didn't eat this time (the summer one never does); I liked the monkeys last year better. I do have to give them credit tho, this summers exhibit was all cohesive, so I can't really complain ¯⁠\⁠_(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)⁠ _⁠/⁠¯.  I got some ok photos of the flowers. Let me share :3  These are my pics of the main points 😺 they've used this piece before in another exhibit, I don't remember which though :3...  this piece was at the back, so it was the biggest point. personally I didn't love it because of the flowers, they've used them before & I don't think they matched the moss 😿 this one was opposite the goddess, and this one was new :0! I thought this one was really beautiful. I liked the pink & purple and the waterfall 🫶 yeah, out of all the big pieces, the waterfall was my favorite :)!  And now my pics of smaller pieces/details I liked :) I liked that th