💘This Week💘

 Hi family; had an appointment today, I needed to get more blood work done 😿

They took a ton of blood this time, it was like, 14 vials; I was so sweaty 😿 Andrew had to drive us home. I'm glad my mom told him to come with.

All that aside; I have work tomorrow, and because it's Wednesday that means it's trash house 😒. The girls that live there are nice, but their mother truly does not care about them, the animals, or the state that their home is in :(. It's sad cus they're still kinda young and can't do much about how they live :/. I can't really complain though, the job is easy, it pays well, and my boss & work partner are both cool 😺

Plus, each day I work is more money 😺😺 yippee!!

My package should be arriving soon, I'm assuming it'll show up before Friday. I'm excited cus it's my Alba pants and an old-school style dress :D.

I have another order being prepared too. It's got like, 8 things, it's gonna be pricey to ship 😿 but, it's a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to. such is life.

when that one arrives, I want to make a video to show everyone the stuff I've gotten. idk how to make videos though, so it'll probably be awful. oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

well. that's kinda all I got. I'm really tired. gonna take a nap on my floor ✌️

ok, talk later family 😺💖
