Medical News

 Had my follow-up appointment at the endocrinologist yesterday and got news. Like, it's bad news, but it's good news cus.. you know, ... answers.

But after looking at my blood test results, the endocrinologist and his assistant physician have concluded I have one of two things. Either some super rare genetic bone disorder thing, or fibromyalgia. Both of which are awful, but honest to god I'm hoping it's fibromyalgia. I know in my gut that it's not, but I'm hoping regardless. 

I'm not gonna know for sure which it is until around February cus that's when I have my appointment with the rheumatologist, and they'll be able to rule out fibromyalgia as a diagnosis. The endocrinologist also wants me to have some sort of genetic testing done to see if it is the bone thing. And with the genetic testing, even if it comes back normal, it could still be that. Isn't that fucked up or what lmaooo. 

Anyways, that shit all sucks but maybe if it is the bone thing I'll be able to get some dumb company to pay to fix my sternum. swag 💪.

Okay that's all I have for now family, it's time for me to play D4DJ, god bless 💖, talk later
