Shanghai Plaza foolishness

 good evening family :-3, tomorrow is my lucky day ✨ December will also have a Friday the 13th since September and Decembers dates fall on the same day. 

 I wanted to go to Shanghai Plaza today since earlier this week, I'd shown Alexia my nyew panda for my car, and she gave me the brilliant genius idea of getting a sonny angel hipper to put on my rearview mirror. I was like, omfg.... that's genius. I wasn't sure if any of the shops would have any, but it's not like it hurts to look. 

 Cutie Design didn't have a single got damn sonny angel. Awful! So then I went upstairs to the Kumaco to see if they'd have anything cutesy.. I got 1 sonny angel from the animal series and another Emma blind box from the same series as last time. 

he's a little horse :-3!

I think the card for this one is way cool, but I think the actual figure is kinda lame :/ idk about it yet

 Then I went to the kpop store on the other upstairs patio and got another NewJeans keychain :-3. I looooove tokki :-3 ❤️. I've also been listening to some (G)IDLE and I like what I've heard thus far. Yuqi is my favorite, and they had her solo album. I don't know what any of the members even look like to be honest with you family, I don't know their business like that. So I've now learned what Yuqi looks like.

I have the green one on my car keys :-3

 I listened to it when I got home, there's 7 tracks, I like all except for track 5, that one sucks. 

 Then I went to the shibuyala downstairs. They changed the name, idk what it is now, but it's the same store. Anyways :-3.... I got nyew Dolly Wink lashes :D. I'd had the bottom lash style before, and they're super cute, but I fucked them up or something, so I'm glad I was able to find new ones :-3.

 So that was like a billion dollars spent today. I had to ask my mom to send me money to pay for my shipping earlier this evening 😔. Also, I don't know what the problem is with my banking app, but it never updates my checking account balance when I actually need it to, and anytime I need to verify something in the app for another app or outside purchase it never works and consistently shows error messages. wtf USAA? actually awful. And then the Navy Federal app also never works.. It's been a year and I still haven't even logged into it. I have to keep going back to the physical branch periodically to get a new temporary sign in, and every single god damn time I go to try and set my shit up, the app is down. I only ever know how much is in my savings when the statement comes in the mail cus the app won't fucking work. I feel like.. I need to set up a checking and savings account with a different bank or something, because none of the Navy shit ever works or functions properly when I need it to, so I may have to talk to my mom about this, cause I can't seem to figure out why neither one of these things works both on mobile and the USAA website doesn't work half the time either. so,... I really don't want to deal with any of that, but I'm really sick of this shit cus most of that is my day to day spending, and that's what my main concern is. Like, paying my loan is always fine, it's connected to my savings, and transferring and depositing money to my savings is never an issue, but it's everything else that's a problem. incredibly irritating. 
