bored at home :-3.... decided to go to the mall in ze Escalade. oh my god, when I was at the light getting off the highway, I was on this trucks ass so I'd make the light, and some plastic netting flew out their truckbed 💢ಠᴥಠ... obviously I ran that shit over.. tell me why that shit got hooked and wrapped around my front right tire and then my truck started making an awful noise like the tire blew out and I'm driving on straight rim. mane 😒 .... When I parked I was looking at it and I was able to pull some of it off, but the rest I was gonna have to cut off. 💢😒....
Anyways :-3... I went to Victoria's Secret to use my coupon 😺. This time I got a lotion since I didn't care for the mist I got last time. Plus they were having another 60% off sale. exquisite. I got a new dress/nightgown and a lingerie set thing that matches :-3.
I had to wait in line quite a while since there were 3 ladies in front of me that were all together but paying separate. I got to looking at the stuff around me. They had the rollerball perfumes by the registers were on sale for 7$. I got the original Bombshell. The cashier said they're normally 20$, wtf?? good thing I bought mine when I did :-3. I ended up saving like 100 dollars and only spent like 54. waow.
Then I had to go to Amina to get a manicure set so I'd have scissors to cut that fucking netting 😭. It was hooked on these little metal spikes on the inner tread of the tire.. I cut my finger on them 😿. yeowch.. I got most of it tho 👍.
Then I went to get my eggrolls as per usual and then go to 711 to get my sodas. There's railroad tracks on that street that I ran over and I heard this super loud thump when I did, I was like come on man.. When I parked I was running around looking at all my tires and the whole exterior and it all looked fine, so I go inside. mane. why come as soon as I open the door I can see my truck 100 feet away, and the tailgate is just hanging open. I stood there like
Anyways.. when I got home I had my mom close it again since it's heavy and I didn't close it well, and also to have her look at the tires. Turns out the tread is so thin on the front tires that the steel lining is showing through ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ.. so we need to replace the tires before they kill one of us. We come inside to tell Andrew the tires are nearly bald, why come that monkey bitch goes, "oh yeah, I already knew about that".... and you said nothing? what is his problem??
Terrible. My nyewest MA*RS purchase also arrived in the mail this evening. It's a print I've been wanting; it's not my ideal cut, but I still like it. It's more cute as opposed to sexy.
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