
 Hi family, I woke up at a somewhat reasonable time today so I figured it'd be another beautiful day to wear MA*RS ✌️😇. 

 I was conflicted as for what to wear tho.. I ended up going with one of my more recent gets which is also a dream set of mine, which is my fan/cherry print set :-3.

 I think this set is hard to accessorize for... like, I don't think any of my necklaces go with it, so I wore 2 of my moms' today. I also don't have many shoes that I think are over the top enough to wear with it. I wore my yumetenbo heels (which I love :-3), but tbh they're a pain in mein asshole to walk in with tights. I ended up putting hair ties under the heel and over the top of my feet to get them to stay on lolol.

 We went to the swap meet and my favorite old lady wasn't working the jewelery booth today 😿. Sad! Maybe she only works on Saturday.. Regardless, I got 2 new rings since they put out "normal" ones in yellow gold :D. I also was rooting around in the actual stall and got 2 cool as fuck pairs of earrings and a cute bracelet set :-3. 

the pair on the right I'm going to wear for my 21st birthday :-3... I'm already planning..
I think these will go nicely with my Betsey Johnson jewelery & my newest pink MA*RS set 😺

 At the Amina across from the jewelery stall I got new roses for my hair. This is originally why we went today lol. After my recent Bellagio visit I was like.. "hmm *scratches ass*, I should get more blue Jesus Diamante dresses" and from there I had the genius idea of getting blue roses to put in my hair to coordinate. 

 Swap meet closes at 6, Sad! So we were only there for like an hour lol. We went to Steak & Shake at the South Point. I looo-rve that casino tbh..

 Strawberry milkshake! Strawberry milkshake! yippee!! yayayayay!!! 

 ok bye bye 😺
