Aya Maruyama Style MA*RS

 Hi family, I haven't written much this month. Been doing more agejo looks though 😺👍.

 As a result I've been hating from my mind, tiktok and instagram dot com. Cus why is it that the outfit video I posted to insta videos has like, 500 likes (woag :0...!!!) but my most favorit-est pics I take and upload separate only get 28 likes (woag, that's still a lot of people :0!!). And then on the video app, you'll get like a million billion likes if you post a 6 second video of nothing with like a whole tumblr post over the top of it? Why is it a video app if the actual fucking videos get no attention? wtf? maybe my mom's right, maybe I am 90... so, those are my main complaints. I also don't understand why some of my posts will get LOTS! of likes in a relatively short period, and again, some of them cap at like 45. I'm coming to the conclusion I don't know how the internet works 👍.

 Anyways, app hating aside. I went to the swap meet with mother on Saturday and was allowed to get wig pieces from the huge hair vendor :D!!! I wore one of my Prisila's there, and there was hair under one brand that was the exact same color :0... Unfortunately though, that brand went out of business 2 years ago, and this vendor at the swap meet bought out all the rest of their stock, so what they had was all they had 😿.

 I got 4 pieces total, 2 sets of twintails. 1 in a similar curl pattern to my 1st Prisila, and the other in a ringlet curl pattern :3! However.... The ringlets only had 1 in the same color I needed. So I have those in 2 different colors .... don't tell anyone tho.

long style
 I had the genius idea to just clip them to the slats on my bed :0 It's like I'm Albert Einstein dude. No but seriously, I have nowhere else to put these without worrying about the curls.

 As far as the look I did, I used the ringlet curls & I used my MA*RS set that gets me comments like, "you're on my rob list 🫶" and, "I'm so jealous of you" 🙁. I'm still adjusting to tiktok etiquette.. it's odd to me to say the least. 

 I don't really have the patience to do my own hair, which is why I like using the wig pieces (they are my saving grace 🙏🙏🙏). But in order to use the new wig pieces I had to do much more work than usual.

 The ringlets are shorter than my actual hair, whereas the long ones are the same length, so those I can just put my hair into 2 ponytails and (struggle to) clip around them. These ones, I had to do the ponytails and then braid each one and pin it up. Which describing it, isn't hard at all, but I have a lot of hair, it's fine, and it's heavy 😿. That is a terrible combination of things. So even using the long ones, my hair is JUST barely thin enough to clip around. So the short ones were a pain in my bootyhole. 

very hard for me to use, but absolutely worth it :3 I feel like I look like Aya's Dream Fest card lol

this one :3

yesterday's co*de
set: MA*RS
tights: Target
shoes: Dear My Love
bracelets: swap meets
hair bows: MA*RS
 I feel like I sound like a douche today. Methinks I should type all of this later. or at least revise it later. Anyways, I really really love the pattern on this set, but the previous owner had a much bigger chest than me, so the top is stretched out 😿. I'm still gonna wear it, but it can be uncomfortable. 

 All in all, I really love this outfit, and I think the new hair matches the look I want perfectly :D 🫶. I also did my make a bit different today :3. I normally do grey eyeshadow for my agejo looks, but today I used pink instead. 

I tried to make my eyebag a little more defined, and I like the rounded droop more than the straighter one on me so I tried to do that as well.

 I had to Frankenstein another set of lashes for this lol. My other pair was just about to shit the bed. The band had stretched out so the side that's longer was WAY longer and some of the sections were coming off with the band lol. 

 Overall, I'm very happy with how today's look turned out, outfit, hair, and makeup :)

 Ok that's all I have for this look family, bye bye 😺
