Himena & Hime inspired look

  Hi family, my beautiful order came in the mail yesterday and I felt good enough to do a look :D

sideways ass pic... but, full outfit pic 🩷
bow: MA*RS
jewelery set: Alba Rosa
pearl necklace: antique mall
set: Amoeba MA*RS
shoes: Rhapsodelle, no brand(?)
 I wanted to add the Alba jewelery to the look to make it more.. me,,, but also, you know how the Chinese gals wear DIA with MA*RS and things like that, or they just combine features of different substyles? I wanted like, a small version of that; I don't think it's very noticeable that it's even Alba www :3 like it still looks very much so hime/agejo <3
 But as far as putting things together, I wanted to look like Himena Ousaki & Hime(mancer); they're my 2 biggest and favorite agejo inspos 🫶 I feel like until this look, my make didn't make me really look like Himena, but with the Prisila's (wig pieces) and the lashes, I think I pulled it off :D I love Himena 🩷🩷🩷!! 

my fav Himena pics 🩷
  I did my lashes a different way today; about a month ago I had asked on one of Hime's anon story asks what she does for her lashes and today I tried what she'd said. I used my spikey ones on the top of my eye, and fluffy ones on the outside to make my eyes look more droopy, I think it worked well :D
 And like y'all may remember my quest for blush, I used my Candy Doll blush in 'Strawberry Pink' so my cheeks are more bright like Miss Anji's.
 I also got a new lipstick over the weekend and it's exactly what I've been looking for in terms of color. It's almost ridiculous how bright that thang is, it's crazy 🙏🙏
before I'd been using these 2: 'Rose Quartz' (loves it 🙏🩷🩷) from Benefit Cosmetics, and 'Ballerina Shoes' 135 from L'Oreal
 And they're good, but they're not Stupid pink.
This is the one I used today, it's CoverGirl 'Enchantress Blush's 365, and it is STUPID pink
プリクラ style pic 🩷
 I took lots of pictures today, and after reading through one of my new mags, snapxsnap, I did lots of '97 style purikura on my digital camera pics www
I liked this one the best 👍
pic monkey boy took.. crooked smile realness like Buriteri w/ Himena's style 🙏
pics of me & monkey boy compared to Uncle Pat & my dad's dad. family we cannot escape the fact that every pic of us next to each other is litcherally that pic of them 😭😭😭 it's awful ぴえん
this one I didn't love, but I thought it was like the ones you see of the Japanese girls on Pinterest, like how they edited their pics <3
 But I did my make in the middle of the day today (like actually middle of the day, 1pm, not my usual middle of the day, 3/4pm) so I was able to go outside with puppy meow meow and get pics of my make in the yard 👍
this one was Julie approved to be its own separate post 🫡💖 feeling blessed knowing that wwww
this one was also approved as slide 1/separate post 🫡💖, again, very happy knowing that <3
I liked those 2 the most :)
pic of dad's rose bushes; the dog hasn't tried eating them yet....
and this one I didn't post to the gram... hehe.. tbh I forgot to lol, but I really like this one as well :D, maybe I'll post it tomorrow
 I got told lots of nice things today by all my friends, I'm feeling very sure of myself as of right now. I know I don't really have like,... emotional permenance(?), so it's hard for me to remember how I actually felt at any time other than right now, but having things written down,.. I think helps me remember how I felt at any time. Like. the tone carries through so I can remember. So I know it's likely in a few days from now I'll feel very unsure of myself, my place in the community, and my day to day life, but today has been good and I've been told that I'm reliable in terms of taste, style, and knowledge, and that my friends all liked my look today 👍
 Being serious in regards to the above, my mother is worried I'm at risk of developing bipolar disorder, but I don't fully meet the requirements because my 'episodes' only last a few days-weeks (as far as I've noticed), and just flips back and forth for months. I do have a family history of it, and my dad also has some sort of issue(, it's not the same issue but it is something that's for sure). but given the fact that (over the last few years, I can't reliably say going back any further) I have been dealing with some sort of mental/emotional something and it's affected my day to day life, I'd say her concern is warranted. I just don't know if any professional would think it's something serious because it is such short bursts.. Haven't been enjoying it though.
 Like, when I'm not dealing with the "mental ailments" and I go back and read what I've written when I was, it's crazy to me because it's like it's been written by a different person. Like I know I wrote it. It's all stuff I feel. But the intensity of it is insane to me because I'm the same person as I was last week, but it's like my entire brain is different.. it's not how I wanted to word that buts it's as close as it's gonna get cause I don't remember what I originally thought. Hoping to not be cursed by mental poison this week 👍
 Sorry for writing all that family, but I don't feel like I'm leaking vibe arsenic from my brain today, so it needs to get written now. 
 Odd one today, I have work tomorrow, and I hope you all liked my pictures :D I think it all turned out good today and looked like how I want 🫶
 Love you family, talk later, バイバイ 😺🩷🩷
